CTE- Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
The Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR) Career Cluster focuses on the essential elements of life food, water, land, and air. This career cluster includes a diverse spectrum of occupations, ranging from farmer, rancher, and veterinarian to geologist, land conservationist, and florist. It also includes non-traditional agricultural occupations like wind energy, solar energy, and oil and gas production.

The high school CTE Agribusiness program of study explores the occupations and educational opportunities associated with the business of farming and agriculturally related business that supplies farms with products like machinery and seeds. The study of Agribusiness may also include exploration into the marketing of farm products, the purchase of farm products either for further processing or resale, and grading or classifying unprocessed food or other agricultural products.
Work-Based and Expanded Learning Opportunities in Agribusiness
- Tour a farm machinery products company
- Participate in Texas FFA
- Intern with a farm machinery products company
- Work on a farm or ranch
High School CTE Agribusiness Certifications
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business
- Microsoft Office Specialist: Microsoft Excel Expert (Excel and Excel 2019)
- Production Agriculture- Job Ready
Agribusiness Salary Information

Agribusiness Occupations | Average Salary |
Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers | $59,134 |
Farm and Ranch Loan Officers | $45,954 |
Buyers and Purchasing Agents, Farm Products | $46,488 |

Animal Science
The Animal Science high school CTE program of study focuses on the science, research, and business of animals and other living organisms. It teaches CTE learners how to apply biology and life science to real-world life processes of animals and wildlife, either in laboratories or in the field. This could include a veterinary office, a farm or ranch, or any outdoor area harboring animal life. High school CTE students may also research and analyze the growth and destruction of species and research or diagnose diseases and injuries of animals.
Work-Based and Expanded Learning Opportunities in Animal Science
- Participate in Texas FFA
- Compete in an AgriScience Fair 4H
- Volunteer at a local farm or with a veterinarian
High School CTE Animal Science Certifications
- Agricultural Biotechnology
- Certified Veterinary Assistant, Level 1
- Elanco Fundamentals of Animal Science Certification
- Elanco Veterinary Medical Applications Certification
- Equine Management & Evaluation Certification
- Feedyard Technician in Cattle Care and Handling
- Licensed Veterinary Technician
- Production Agriculture - Job Ready
- Small Animal Science and Technology
Agribusiness Salary Information

Animal Science Occupations | Average Salary |
Animal Breeders | $39,139 |
Animal Scientists | $53,533 |
Medical Scientists | $63,898 |
Veterinarians | $93,496 |
Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists | $67,309 |

Applied Agricultural Engineering
The Applied Agricultural Engineering high school CTE program of study explores the occupations and educational opportunities associated with applying knowledge of engineering technology and biological science to agricultural problems. This knowledge is concerned with power and machinery, electrification, structures, soil and water conservation, and processing agricultural products. The Applied Agrcultural Engineering program of study may also include diagnosing, repairing, or overhauling farm machinery and vehicles, such as tractors, harvesters, dairy equipment, and irrigation systems.
Work-Based and Expanded Learning Opportunities in Applied Agrcultural Engineering
- Tour a farm products or machinery plant
- Participate in Texas FFA
- Earn a welding certification
- Intern at a farm products or machinery plant
High School CTE Agricultural Engineering Certifications
- Agriculture Mechanics
- API 1104 Welding Pipelines and Related Facilities
- AWS Certified Welder
- AWS D1.1 Structural Steel
- AWS D9.1 Sheet Metal Welding
- AWS SENSE Level 1: Entry Welder
- Feedyard Technician in Machinery Operation, Repair and Maintenance Industrial Technology Maintenance (ITM) - Maintenance Welding Machining Measurement, Material, and Safety Level I
- NCCER Welding Level I
- NCCER Core
- General Welding - Job Ready
- OSHA General 30
Applied Agricultural Engineering Salary Information

Applied Agricultural Engineering Occupations | Average Salary |
Outdoor Power Equipment and Other Small Engine Mechanics | $32,406 |
Welders | $41,350 |
Farm Equipment Mechanics and Service Technicians | $39,915 |
Mobile Heavy Equipment Mechanics | $47,299 |
Agricultural Engineers | $64,792 |

Environmental and Natural Resources
The Environmental and Natural Resources high school CTE program of study explores the occupations and educational opportunities associated with the research, design, and planning of engineering or technical duties in the prevention and control of environmental hazards. This CTE program of study may also include conducting research for the purpose of identifying, abating, or eliminating sources of pollutants or hazards that affect either the environment or the health of the population.
Work-Based and Expanded Learning Opportunities in Environmental and Natural Resources
- Attend summer leadership events
- Participate in Texas FFA
- Intern at a waste treatment plant
High School CTE Environmental and Natural Resources Certifications
- Ducks Unlimited Ecology Conservation & Management Certification
- Natural Resources Systems
- Water Operators, Class D
- Wastewater Collections
Environmental and Natural Resources Salary Information

Environmental and Natural Resources Occupations | Average Salary |
Environmental Engineering Technicians | $53,352 |
Environmental Engineers | $86,757 |
Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including Health | $40,268 |
Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health | $77,896 |
Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists | $67,309 |

Food Science and Technology
The Food Science and Technology high school CTE program of study explores the occupations and educational opportunities in working with agricultural and food scientists in food, fiber, and animal research, production, and processing. This program of study may also include animal breeding, nutrition, and conducting tests and experiments to improve yield and quality of crops or to increase the resistance of plants and animals to disease or insects.
Work-Based and Expanded Learning Opportunities in Food Science and Technology
- Tour a food products processing facility
- Participate in Texas FFA
- Intern at a food products processing facility
High School CTE Food Science and Technology Certifications
- Culinary Meat Selection & Cookery Certification
- Food Safety & Science Certification
- Pre-Professional Certification in Food Science Fundamentals
Food Science and Technology Salary Information

Food Science and Technology Occupations | Average Salary |
Agricultural and Food Science Technicians | $34,382 |
Supervisors of Production and Operating | $62,171 |
Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers | $37,689 |

Plant Science
The high school CTE Plant Science program of study focuses on the science, research, and business of plants and other living organisms. Plant Science teaches students how to apply biology and life science to real-world life processes of plants and vegetation, either in laboratories or in the field.
Work-Based and Expanded Learning Opportunities in Plant Science
- Participate in Texas FFA
- Work at a florist or landscaper business
High School CTE Plant Science Certifications
- Agricultural Biotechnology
- BASF Plant Science Certification
- Commercial/Non-Commercial Pesticide Applicator
- Commercial/Noncommercial Pesticide Applicator "Vegetation Management" License
- Horticulture - Landscaping - Job Ready
- Landscape Irrigator
- Principles of Floral Design Certification
- Production Agriculture - Job Ready
- Texas Certified Landscape Associate (TCLA)
- Texas Certified Nursery Professional
- Texas State Florist's Association Knowledge Based Floral Certification
- Texas State Florist's Association Level I Floral Certification
- Texas State Florist's Association Level II Floral Certification
Plant Science Salary Information

Plant Science Occupations | Average Salary |
Soil and Plant Scientists | $54,662 |
Tree Trimmers and Pruners | $32,240 |
Pesticide Handlers, Sprayers, and Applicators | $36,733 |
Landscaping Supervisors | $44,408 |
Biological Technicians | $42,931 |
Sources and Additional Information on CTE and Agriculture:
- Texas CTE- Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
- Texas Department of Agriculture
- Texas Parks and Wildlife-Careers
- National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition- What is the Farm Bill?
- Agribusiness Program of Study
- Animal Science Program of Study
- Applied Agricultural Engineering Program of Study
- Environmental and Natural Resources Program of Study
- Food Science Program of Study
- Plant Science Program of Study
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources CTE Sponsors