Find Texas Schools and Independent School Districts

Why Choose Public Education?

Texas’ Independent School Districts (ISDs)

From PreK through graduation, public schools within an ISD, offer academic and extracurricular programs that contribute to a student’s development.

Firstly, public schools emphasize leadership and character development through various programs and partnerships.

Secondly, Gifted and Talented programs, dual credit, and AP courses offer advanced academics to challenge and prepare students for college.

Thirdly, Special Education services, free developmental testing, and qualified educators for special needs students are offered to families.

And finally, community support surrounds neighborhood schools through sports, arts, and family engagement. The future of our workforce and society rely on an educated population. Texas public schools serve the student, family, and community.

Why Choose Public Education?

There are many reasons to choose a public education. Public schools, like those within an Independent School District, provide students the following:

  1. Academics for all levels
  2. Extracurriculars to develop skills and leadership
  3. Career pathways in areas like construction, cybersecurity, health sciences, and more
  4. Support services like counseling, school nurses, transportation, and meals
  5. Programs including dual language, STEM, gifted and talented, and special education
  6. Classic studies in English, writing, mathematics, sciences, history, and reading
  7. Competitive opportunities in sports, Fine Arts, academics, FFA, and Career and Technical Education courses
  8. Community connections through businesses, showcases, sports, and internships
Fine Arts cello students on football field
public schools in Texas students

Public schools prepare students for college, career, and life

First of all, public education is for all children. It not only serves the individual and family, but also creates a strong workforce.

Secondly, every day, teachers, administrators, and staff work to provide students the foundation and opportunities to succeed in life.

And finally, it is free and open to all students and is critical to the health and vitality of our community.

The Value of Public Education and the Truth About School Vouchers

Public education is the core of democracy. Educating our children and preparing them for the future ensures a strong workforce. Strong communities are linked to public education. As a society, we all should want everyone to be educated. It only strengthens our country and potential. The value of public education is immeasurable, as we see children growing and succeeding.

Vouchers are not a solution for what many call “school choice.” Vouchers literally drain funds from public schools. And, they don’t fully provide funds to families seeking a private school. In addition, vouchers serve only a small percentage of the population.

 Explore our comprehensive summary about school vouchers. You’ll gain a solid understanding of the following:

  1. What school vouchers are and how they work.
  2. Why school vouchers are harmful to public education, students, and teachers.
  3. The constitutional aspects of vouchers.
  4. Learn about “school choice” and religious freedom.
  5. Know the different terms for school voucher.

Why Choose Public Education? Active and Engaged Learning

In public schools, students are engaged in active, hands-on learning, from building rockets to planting gardens. 

To harness students’ passion for particular topics, public schools offer variety of magnets and specialized learning programs from K-12, in everything from theater and bilingual education to business and health careers.

Why Choose Public Education? Accredited Teachers

Public school teachers are degreed and accredited. Many educators have advanced degrees and spend their career in education. Known to go above and beyond, we’re proud of our awesome teachers. Learn more about teacher accreditation through the Texas Education Agency.

Diverse and Inclusive Communities Prepare Students for Life!

Many public schools are rich in diversity, allowing students to get to know people of different cultures and backgrounds. This  prepares them for the global economy that awaits them after they cross the stage. We welcome, serve and support ALL children having various learning capacities and skills.

Strong Communities are the Backbone of Public Schools

School districts bring communities together. Sports stadiums and athletics, fine arts, science fairs, school cafeterias and PTA meetings are just a fraction of the times we come together to support our students on their roads to success.

CTE A/V students

Learn about Career and Technical Education courses in public schools

Independent School Districts offer exciting and innovative programming under the Career and Technical Education (CTE) umbrella. 

Students gain skills, learn through real-world opportunities, and earn certifications. Many career tracks enable students to enter into a career field post high school. 

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