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As a 501c3 non-profit, Go Public communicates the importance of public education and its benefits to students, business and community.  

Your support helps us in our work including community outreach, parent tools, spotlights, and opportunities for student and educator engagement.

sponsor public schools


Bronze - $1,500

Your company logo featured on the sponsorship page and school district leadership monthly newsletters.

Silver - $2,000

Everything in Bronze plus social media thank you and invitation to the Mingle with school district leadership.

Gold - $3,000

Everything in Silver plus one feature in school district leadership newsletter.

Presenting - $5,000

Everything in Gold plus the Bronze level of the Statewide sponsorship tier. (see below)

Join Our Champion Circle

Public education needs you! The work we do relies on supporters from business, industry, and the community.

  • We're expanding throughout Texas. We represent all Texas ISDs on our website and manage two regional campaigns (and growing).
  • You will align with the most critical and fundamental aspect of a child's journey in life - education.
  • Your company will demonstrate support for what public schools do every day for students.
  • Explore ways to connect your company to the value of public education. Reach new audiences and build visibility with district leadership.

Submit this interest form and I'll get back to you within 24 hours.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Lisa Losasso Jackson, Executive Director

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Support the Great Things Happening in Public Schools

    We Go Public (Go Public) is a 501c3, non-profit organization. Go Public promotes the great things happening in public schools, while educating parents and students about the choices and benefits of a PreK-12 public education. Your support helps us do so much:

    • We communicate the benefits of a public education through online advocacy and promotion.
    • We speak with one voice through the message “great things happen in public schools”
    • We create awareness about the benefits of public education by amplifying student and school successes
    • We serve as a digital advocate for public schools through digital and online efforts, social media, partnerships, and grassroots efforts
    • We publish content about academic programs and services, public education topics, and parent guides
    • We offer Texas ISDs profile pages on our website to link directly to their own district sites
    • We provide parents tools and resources to learn what public schools offer
    • We educate about the amazing programs and services available to all students
    • We enthusiastically share the positive stories happening in our member ISDs

    This is a Member Benefit

    If you want to take advantage of this benefit or learn more about how a membership can help your organization please click the button below.