Alief ISD Students Visit Texas Southern University

Alief ISD students visited Texas Southern University to learn about being a TSU student. 3rd & 4th graders from Alief Heflin Elementary School experienced A Day in the Life of a TSU Tiger, a community initiative of the Barbara Jordan- Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University. Students participated in a mock […]
Angleton ISD Offers Hands-On Health Science Program

Students in the Principles of Health Science class get real-world experience and training. Board of Trustees member Kimi Hunter and AISD Director of PR participated in a Principles of Health Science class at the CTE Center. Phlebotomy students practice bloodwork on real patients. One lesson included students learning to use medical terminology in a practical […]
SkillsUSA Represents Royal ISD at the Capitol

SkillsUSA Represents Royal ISD at the Capitol Royal ISD students participated in Legislation Day at the State Capitol in Austin. Legislation Day for SkillsUSA Students CTE students represented their high schools on Legislation Day, where they completed a mock debate regarding legislation on the house floor. The training for the event includes communication, parliamentary procedure, […]
Alief ISD CTE Promotes Girls in Construction

Alief CTE Highlights Girls in Construction Alief ISD Promotes Construction Careers Construction jobs can seem daunting to girls in CTE, but SheBuildsHouston educates girls on the employment opportunities within the construction industry. Alief ISD students in CTE attended an event by SHE Builds Houston to better understand the construction industry opportunities for girls. SHE Builds Houston […]
CTE Month and the Culinary Arts Pathway

CTE Month and the Culinary Arts Pathway CTE, or Career and Technical Education, includes public school districts’ Culinary Arts programs. Culinary Arts is part of the CTE Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster. What is Culinary Arts? Culinary Arts refers to planning, preparing, cooking, presenting, and serving food. Culinary Arts students learn skills that focus on […]
Clear Creek ISD Offers Dentistry Program

Clear Creek ISD Offers Dentistry Program Clear Creek High School CTE Clear Creek ISD is home to a thriving Dental Assistant Program! Students get real-world experience with clinic days as they perform extraoral exams. In Dentistry–Practicum in Health Science, students acquire advanced skills that prepare them for the Registered Dental Assistant (R.D.A.) exam and careers […]
Brazosport ISD Features Strong CTE Programs

CTE Programs in Brazosport ISD Brazosport ISD is proud to have dynamic and engaging CTE programs. The training and hands-on experience give CTE students the foundation to learning future career skills. Rocketry Dominates CTE in Brazosport Schools Rocketry students successfully launched their 230 lb rocket at White Sands Missile Range. Students start with Rocket 1 […]
160 High School CTE Programs

by Trina Pruitt, parent and Go Public Contributor February is Career and Technical Education (CTE) month! If you are my age (not telling), you may not even know what CTE is or that it is a huge part of high school curriculum today. Public high school students have many individual interests, and school districts provide […]