What Parents Need to Know About School Vouchers
What Parents Need to Know About School Vouchers – Trina Pruitt, parent and Go Public contributor School vouchers are a hot topic these days. I regularly run across articles, political ads, and even billboards that aim to sway parents and voters one way or the other on the subject of vouchers, but neither side delves […]
Texas School Ratings A-F
School Ratings One factor parents look for in researching a school is the rating. However, in a Google search “school ratings near me”, the top 10 results are for-profit companies with their own rating system. For example, Niche and Great Schools use a variety of measures to rate a school. They also monetize their site […]
Are charter schools private schools?
Charter schools are free due to public, taxpayer dollars that are taken from traditional public schools when a child enrolls in the charter school. Unlike a traditional public school, charter schools are also funded by private companies, individuals, and interests. They are managed by a private entity vs a community elected board where the public has input. And their boards are appointed vs elected. This means that charter board members can have a financial interest in the success of the schools.