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Student Mobile Bus Art Inspires

Art Bus

2023 Fourth Annual Art Bus Go Public Collaboration 2023 marked the fourth year Go Public hosted its annual Art Bus Contest with the Texas Cavaliers, VIA San Antonio, and Adsposure. The joint event on May 20th celebrated a total of 26 winners from the Cavaliers’ elementary art contest and Go Public’s high school arts spotlight. […]

STEAM Curriculum Explained

what is steam curriculum

STEAM curriculum and the history of its development is presented in the white paper by, “Ask Former Trustees – Clear Creek ISD Chapter”

What are School Boundaries?

Texas school district boudaries

A school boundary, also referred to as an attendance zone, defines a geographic zone within which a student is eligible to attend that designated school. Consequently, most students attend a school based on their address.

Parenting Styles

Parenting styles white paper

Any time we reduce human behavior to simple terms we gloss over the nuances and subtleties of actual behavior and interactions. This topic is meant to start conversations, to appreciate the important role parents play in public education, and to raise awareness about the impact of parenting on the broader community.

What is CTE?

what is CTE

Preparing students for meaningful work and a productive life.

What Parents Need to Know About School Vouchers

vouchers religious freedom funding

What Parents Need to Know About School Vouchers – Trina Pruitt, parent and Go Public contributor School vouchers are a hot topic these days. I regularly run across articles, political ads, and even billboards that aim to sway parents and voters one way or the other on the subject of vouchers, but neither side delves […]

Medina Valley ISD Students Enlist in Military

MVISD enlistees

Medina Valley ISD students signed with military branches in an enlistment ceremony! 15+ Medina Valley High School students represented the United States Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force in an Enlistee Recognition Ceremony held at the Panther Dome this morning.This ceremony marks an important milestone, similar to that of a collegiate signing. We wish […]

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