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Dickinson ISD Dining Throws Taste Testings

Dickinson ISD Dining Food Tasting Event

Dickinson ISD‘s Bay Colony Elementary School recently hosted an exciting Taste-Testing event, and it was a hit among the students! Students at the event not only ate delicious food, but it was also an opportunity to introduce new menu items and promote healthy eating habits. 

students eating and rating foods
student trying foods

Among the lineup of delectable options were two varieties of Mac & Cheese, Beef Gorditas, Beef, and Rigatoni Pasta, and two types of Pepperoni Pizza. The Beef Gordita emerged as a clear favorite among the students, with many describing it as “very yummy!” This feedback is invaluable for the cafeteria staff as they strive to craft menus that cater to the tastes and preferences of their young students.

student happy at tasting event
students eating and rating food

Events like these not only enrich the dining experience but also foster a sense of community and collaboration within the school. By involving students in the decision-making process, Bay Colony Elementary School is nurturing a culture of empowerment and inclusivity. Thank you to the cafeteria team for their dedication to providing nutritious and delicious meals, and a big thank you to the little gators for their participation and valuable feedback!

Source: Dickinson ISD Facebook

Blog by: Kalista Cabato, Intern, UT Austin

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