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Clear Creek ISD Art Student Wins at Rodeo

Rodeo Houston Art

The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo recognizes talented young artists from across Texas during it’s annual School Art Program Awards Ceremony.

Clear Creek Art Student at Rodeo
Clear Creek Art Students compete at Houston Rodeo

This year, about 200,000 students participated in the Rodeo’s School Art Program. 

Among the honorees were the Class Champions and Reserve Class Champions in the following categories: Colored Drawing, Mixed Medium, Monochromatic Drawing, Painting, 3D, Elementary and Junior High.

One of the biggest winners of the contest was lear Creek ISD’s Eliza Hoffman!

Exhibitor: Eliza Hoffman
School District: Clear Creek ISD
Art: Painting, “Morning Dove”

Morning Dove painting Houston Rodeo

The Rodeo’s School Art Program promotes an awareness of agriculture, Western heritage and Rodeo activities through artistic competitions for students. The School Art Program has recorded approximately 10 million entries since 1965.

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