Observing Epilepsy Awareness Day, one Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD student was honored with a special day focusing on him and learning about inclusion and empathy.

First-grader Aaron Leber’s classmates at Cibolo Valley Elementary School wore purple bracelets and ribbons to show their solidarity with him with the goal of normalizing medical differences and special needs within the school. The lavender color is internationally recognized as the color for epilepsy. Rachel Henk, Aaron’s teacher, read a story in class about epilepsy.

KCNA2 Epilepsy, also known as potassium channel epilepsy, manifests itself in a number of symptoms, most notably seizures. Developmental delays and ataxia (loss of muscle control) are other issues that emerge from Aaron’s struggle.
The greater lesson in Ms. Henk’s class was compassion, empathy and inclusion, for Aaron, and for other students affected with these types of medical conditions.
Blog by: Aimet Luna, The University of Texas at Austin
Sources: For more of Aaron’s story, chronicled by his parents: https://www.kcna2epilepsy.org/aarons-story/