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SSAISD Alumni Receives Long-Awaited Diploma

South San Antonio ISD student receives his diploma

South San Antonio ISD student received his long-awaited diploma as he graduates high school.

Jeremiah Oary recieves long-awaited diploma at a district board meeting

Former Southwest High School student Jeremiah Oary received a special recognition at a district board meeting. He was supposed to graduate in 2008. However due to some outside challenges including the loss of his mother, he left without a diploma in hand. Jeremiah entered the workforce but never forgot about his dream to one day obtain his high school diploma. Jeremiah has shown perseverance and determination to reach his goal of graduating from Southwest High School.

Jeremiah Orary receives his diploma from Southwest High School

Principal Amanda Wagner reviewed his credits and said he met all the requirements to receive his diploma! It was very a special and emotional moment as Dr. Verstuyft presented Jeremiah with his diploma. Jeremiah says he is now headed to college.

Dr. Verstuyft prestented Jeremiah Orary with his diploma

By Sloan Patterson, Texas State University

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