Lackland HS and ALE Students Cook Together

Lackland ISD proudly wrote in their newsletter about Lackland High School. Currently, Lackland High School administers a class called Family and Community Service. The teacher, Mrs. Duron, assigned her students to plan and implement a community service project. Two of her students, named Ty’Jeria and Johnna, decided to create a “cooking club” for ALE students. […]
Lackland ISD 19th Annual Cowboy Breakfast

Lackland ISD students and families were treated to a heaping helping for breakfast from the child nutrition and food service team. Students and parents grabbed their hats and boots for the occasion in full western gear! This cowboy breakfast offered delicious tacos and even a special themed photobooth for the whole family. The event also […]
Lackland ISD CTE Month

Lackland ISD is an avid supporter of Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month, and is proud to offer a plethora of CTE courses for students. CTE Month takes place every February and is organized by the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE). The month shows the value and achievements of CTE programs, as well […]
Lackland STEAM Activities

Lackland ISD students incorporate STEAM activities to get hands-on, FUN learning! Here’s what Lackland Elementary Students have been working on recently! 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade art clubs used Model Magic to create awesome mini sculptures. Some classes are learning about matter. Mrs. Flores said, “Since we’re learning all about matter in science, my […]
Lackland Counselors Host Community Event

Lackland ISD school counselors held an after-school event called “Coffee with the Counselors.” Community members were invited to learn more about the youth programs available, tutoring options, and of course, the vast resources from the department of counseling. This team is comprised of school counselors, the Social-Emotional Support Coordinator and Interventionist, Military Family Life Counselors […]
Lackland ISD Student Wins KENS5 All Star Award

Lackland ISD student, Lauren Sawvel, is leading by example and showing her classmates what it takes to be a standout on the path to success. It’s easy to see why Lauren Sawvel was voted by her classmates as the student “Who’s Most Likely to Brighten your Day.” “She’s always got a smile on her face […]
Lackland ISD Celebrates Annual Cowboy Breakfast

Lackland ISD celebrated its 2023 Cowboy Breakfast!! A big Yee Haw to all of the families who came out to enjoy breakfast tacos, biscuits and gravy, fruit, and hot beverages at LISD’s annual Cowboy breakfast! Outside, kids enjoyed games like potato sack and hobby horse racing, lassoing, bean bag tossing and the popular balloon stomp! […]
Lackland ISD Robotics Kicks Off Competitions

Stacey High School Robotics begin working on competition projects. First Robotics Competition (FRC) Stacey’s FRC game kicked off! In order to help the kids strategize, get their juices flowing, and understand the game deeper, robotics coach Mr. Kinsey laid out the game in human size. The kids moved around in chairs acting as robots and […]
Lackland ISD Librarian Wins EXCEL Award

Lackland ISD’s Librarian and Media Specialist Tiffany Walderman proudly calls herself a Military Brat. It’s what makes her so relatable and why she won the Excel Award. Librarian Tiffany Walderman recieves Excel award Tiffany says her personal experience has helped shape who she is today, as a strong teacher and mentor, to other children who […]
Lackland ISD Exhibit at McNay Museum

Lackland ISD Elementary Students Get Creative Lackland ISD students create their own scuplture. Lackland ISD art club students recognized for their inspired sculpture Art is a creative way to express yourself without words, and Lackland ISD’s 4th and 5th grade art club used their creativity for a program sponsored by the McNay Museum of Art […]