Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD has once again brought a week of higher-level thinking to its students through STEMKAMP. Thanks to Dee Thomas, the district’s DoDEA Grant Director, the program has thrived since its inception. STEMKAMP (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics for Kids of Active Military Personnel) kicked off at Byron P. Steele High School. It offers […]
Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Superstar Heads To College
Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD’s Bidhan Paudel has that air of youthful nonchalance, deceiving you into thinking he looks just like any other student you’d find strolling the halls of Byron P. Steele High School. Beneath that facade is a remarkable story. Bidhan, at the tender age of fifteen, is already in his senior year, ready to […]
SCUCISD Honors Custodian Day
Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD observed National School Custodian day to express their collective thanks for the invaluable work these workers do to keep their campuses clean, and safe. Some campuses honored their custodians with cake, food, and cards, indicative of the gratitude felt for the work they do. Every custodian in the district also received a […]
SCUCISD CTE Students Explore Careers
Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD has been having awesome opportunities and events for students in CTE programs at Byron P. Steele High School, Samuel Clemens High School, and J. Frank Dobie Jr. High School. Students from all of these schools have been exploring and engaging with careers of interest during classes and at events. Students in the […]
SCUC ISD Welcomes Vejen Visitors from Denmark
The annual pilgrimage of students from Vejen Business College (VBC), located in Denmark, continued this morning as approximately 65 students and four chaperones paid a visit to Byron P. Steele High School. VBC students are roughly the equivalent of high school seniors who are going through the business program at the school. Visitors of Schertz-Cibilo-Universal City […]
Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD RST Program
Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD shares the importance of teaching students financial literacy. The Ready, Set, Teach! (RST) program is a field-based internship which supplies students with the knowledge of child and adolescents development principles, along with effective teaching principles. With the help of SCUC partner, Junior Achievement of South Texas (JAST), they are dedicated to teaching […]
SCHERTZ-CIBOLO-UNIVERSAL CITY ISD CTE Instructors Guide Students to Success
A mixture of old school trades and emerging technologies are opening doors for students seeking employment pathways through the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. Matthew Smith, Welding teacher at Byron P. Steele High School Matthew Smith leads the welding program at Byron P. Steele High School, loudly proclaiming the gospel of […]
Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD Celebrates Inclusion
Observing Epilepsy Awareness Day, one Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD student was honored with a special day focusing on him and learning about inclusion and empathy. First-grader Aaron Leber’s classmates at Cibolo Valley Elementary School wore purple bracelets and ribbons to show their solidarity with him with the goal of normalizing medical differences and special needs within […]
Schertz-Cibolo-University City ISD Recognizes Teacher
Schertz- Cibolo-Universal City ISD Social Studies teacher inspires her junior high school students to embrace history with excitement. Corbett Junior High School teacher Alyssa Ferdarko’s learning curve as a rookie Social Studies teacher may have looked steep at the outset of her career when it began in August of 2022. However, if you walk into […]
Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD’s SEL House System
Schertz- Cibolo- Universal City ISD’s Sippel Elementary School greets visitors with an combustible mix of colors, passion and unity that is creating an explosion of academic and healthy social-emotional growth, thanks in large part to the Ron Clark Academy House System. Sippel Elementary School House System Melissa Dean brought the idea to Sippel ES during […]