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Alief ISD Chemours STEM Camp

Alief ISD students in the Chemours STEM Camp.

Alief ISD’s middle school students participated in the Chemours STEM Camp. They visited the Museum of Natural Science and the Flight Museum. The Chemours STEM Camp at the Frontiers of Flight Museum offers educational adventures. These focus on engaging young potential aviators or astronauts through STEM subjects, especially aerospace. The museum’s camps feature various activities, […]

What are School Boundaries?

Texas school district boudaries

A school boundary, also referred to as an attendance zone, defines a geographic zone within which a student is eligible to attend that designated school. Consequently, most students attend a school based on their address.

Public School Pharmacy CTE Programs

National Pharmacist Day is January 12th, and we are exploring introductions to pharmacology careers and our public school CTE Pharmacy programs.  High school students can attend pharmacy courses while obtaining a pharmacy technician license, ensuring a high-demand and rewarding job right after graduation. CTE Health Science Cluster TEA’s Health Science Career Cluster focuses on creating, managing, and […]

Inclusive Schools Week Books

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CELEBRATING INCLUSIVE SCHOOLS WEEK WITH LITERATURE DECEMBER 7-11 Inclusive Schools Week celebrates the progress of schools to provide supportive education to a diverse student population. Inclusion in schools protects those students with disabilities, gender differences, socio-economic challenges, and cultural diversity.  Inclusive Schools Week also provides the opportunity for educators, students, and families to address what […]

Alvin ISD Teacher Creates Sanitizer Station

Alvin Teacher Creates Sanitizer Station Alvin ISD teacher Ashley Martin built a hands-free sanitizer station for her classroom.  The third-grade teacher envisioned her young students wasting large amounts of sanitizer by using too much.  She imagined they might also contaminate the sanitizer pump bottles.  A fellow teacher inspired her to begin thinking of a solution. Martin […]

AISD Offers Mandarin Immersion

alief dual language

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Alief offers Mandarin immersion programs to students in pre-k! Alief ISD‘s full immersion enrichment program provides a classroom environment for Alief students while they receive 50% of their daily instruction in Mandarin and 50% of their daily instruction in English.  The program provides students the opportunity to attain bilingualism in both languages as they […]

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