Huffman ISD’s FFA Leadership Program
Huffman ISD recently sent two outstanding students, Mattilyn Wagener and Zach Casas, to the Area III Leadership Conference hosted by Future Farmers of America. FFA is a vibrant youth organization dedicated to transforming lives through its leadership programs, equipping members with essential skills, fostering personal growth, and preparing them for successful careers in agricultural education. […]
Huffman ISD Visit Children’s Museum
Huffman ISD’s 1st-grade Huffman Elementary School class went on a field trip to the Chambers County Children’s Museum where students had fun hands-on learning experiences. Exhibits included fun, engaging opportunities for these young explorers to live as construction experts, doctors, and even paper airplane engineers! Chambers County Children’s Museum is an interactive indoor play space […]
Huffman ISD Makes Art for Breakfast
Huffman ISD’s Middle School Art Teacher, Mrs. Lothringer, introduced her Art I and Art II students to the element of color in art by making breakfast! The demonstration showcased the transformation of primary colors into secondary colors through an engaging method that involved pancakes, some food coloring, and most importantly, creativity! After the demonstration, Art II […]
HISD CTE Agriculture Students Tour Businesses
Huffman ISD Advanced Agriculture and CTE Agriculture math students traveled to College Station and Brenham to tour two different big-name agriculture brands. Over at Producers Cooperative in College Station, Huffman High School Falcon students learned in depth about the co-op’s feed mill in animal nutrition. The CTE agriculture students saw first-hand about formulating feed. In […]
Huffman ISD Joins Leadership Academy
Huffman ISD paired up with Chick-Fil-A Crosby to be a part of the nationwide program Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy. This year-long afterschool program helps high school students involved learn how to become better and more productive leaders in their community. The Leader Academy meets once a month where students engage with projects based on their interests […]
Huffman ISD Graphic Design Gains Experience
Huffman ISD students in Mrs. Young’s Graphic Design II class were given a great opportunity to hold a formal business meeting with a local diving company to develop a design for their new logo! This graphic design class is one of the many CTE courses offered in the district that provide fantastic professional experiences to […]
Huffman ISD Engineering Students Launch Rocket
Huffman ISD’s Hargrave High School senior level engineering students participated in their third annual large scale rocket launch with SystemsGo. SystemsGo is the most real world engineering experience the students have had in their engineering career this far, working with NASA engineers to prove that their rocket is safe to launch. The students had the […]
Huffman ISD Fishing Teams Reel in Wins!
Fishing teams are becoming more popular in high schools, and Huffman ISD teams are leading the way! Congratulations to the Hargrave bass fishing team! They took first place and first individual in a Texas High School Bass Association fishing tournament in Toledo Bend. Some may think that fishing tournaments are easy, but in reality they […]
Huffman ISD Livestock Show Presents More Than Animals
Huffman ISD’s annual livestock show highlights livestock animals, and so much more! Huffman students showed their projects after working countless hours working for this show. A big misconception about livestock shows is the students only show livestock. Students in this show, along with many others, show art, photography, food, agricultural mechanics projects, and horticulture projects. […]
Huffman ISD Biology Program is Hands-On With Alligators!
The Hargrave High School Field Biology Program traveled deep into coastal marshes to capture alligators and learn how to collect morphological data. Huffman ISD students ventured deep into the marshes of southeast Texas to catch alligators and learn about marsh ecology. This was the first evening of the 3-week long McNeese State University High school […]