Meet One Judson ISD School’s Emotional Support Furry Friend

Judson ISD – Elolf Steam Academy’s Newest Furry Friend Judson ISD’s Elolf Steam welcomes pet dog Fergie Jane as their resident emotional support animal. Elolf Steam Academy Emotional Support Animal Judson ISD’s Elolf Steam Academy has welcomed in its newest employee, Assistant Principal Tiffany McHugh’s personal dog, Fergie Jane. Fergie Jane spends her days at […]
North East ISD Student Wins The Jimmy Awards in New York

North East ISD Student Wins The Jimmy Awards in New York Student at North East ISD magnet school performs in The Jimmy Awards in New York and wins best performance by an actor. For some being center stage is frightening but for others, like North East ISD student Nicholas Barron, it’s where they feel most […]
U.S. Education Secretary visits Edgewood ISD

U.S. Education Secretary visits Edgewood ISD U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona visited Edgewood ISD’s Gus Garcia University School to promote the Biden administration’s Build Back Better plan. Cardona, a former teacher and principal, spoke with students and parents about the educational challenges brought by the pandemic. Secretary Cardona and Congressman Castro Speak with Middle School […]